While bitcoin price keeps falling, a cryptocurrency of nft game rises 50% in the last few days.
Investors and players put splinterlands on the radar after the DEC rises more than 50% while the number of new registrations increases. Is this a new Axie Infinity?
Reasons that can explain the positive explosion in splinterlands:
What may have caused the demand for the splinterlands token(DEC) is the future airdrop of the SPS governance token that will happen later this month and the release of Lands in nft format in the game. Another interesting data is the accumulated increase of new players, which reaches 15% in the week, according to the website hivedapps.
Game updates and tournaments also help, last week the game added the possibility to rent cards in-game.
The game currently has nearly 15,000 active players and a capitalization of $7.6 million in nft cards according to peakmonsters. A promising trend as cards are limited each day it becomes scarcer in the p2p market.
SPS launch,
Rent announcemnt, Hivedapps,
Airdrop info